
作者:CGTN  更新时间:2022-11-07 01:22:43  来源:民族复兴网  责任编辑:石头


  一项研究近日发现,脸书和推特在它们的平台上叫停了一场针对海外用户宣传美国外交政策利益的“影响力宣传”。五角大楼被认为是始作俑者,并已展开内部调查。美国政府如何利用信息战影响海外受众? 欢迎收看最新一期《真相放大镜》。

  Meta and Twitter recently took down "an influence campaign" from their platforms that targeted overseas users to promote U.S. foreign policy interests. The Pentagon is believed to be behind this and has launched an internal investigation. How does the U.S. government use information warfare to influence audiences overseas? Welcome to the latest episode of Facts Tell.